Finding Joy in the Midst of Chaos

Hey friends! 
We are all definitely living in crazy times. I don’t know if you feel the same way, but I’ve been having a hard time staying positive lately. The world is facing uncountable problems and my heart hurts just thinking about all the issues going on around the world right now. War, starvation, climate change, poverty, discrimination, corruption…
How to Live a Life of Peace in a Chaotic World

Humans can be so mean; we are capable of the most horrible atrocities: murder, rape, torture, slavery, etc. When I think about that, I there really hope for the future? Because it seems like there’s not. I want to have babies but do I really want to bring a new life into this chaotic, cruel and atrocious world? 
If I only focus on the bad I get more depressed and scared. Especially when that’s all you see in the media these days. You see murders, racism, injustice, iniquity, corruption. It honestly makes me feel sad and useless. How can we be so mean to each other? Didn’t God create us in his own image? He certainly did create us in his own image but humans have disfigured the image of God with all the cruelty, injustice and self-seeking ambition. Disfigured it, but did not destroy it.
Sunday: The Image of God – Sabbath School NetWhen I think about the image of God I remember we humans are also capable of the most wonderful things, we are capable of love, care, to do good and show compassion to others. I think about all those doctors and nurses that go off to really poor places and put themselves into difficult situations just to help others; missionaries living overseas sharing the gospel to those who need it or haven’t heard of it; school teachers that are kind and caring and love their students and so many more wonderful stories that show us how humans can be also good. 

When I focus on the good I realize there are more good people than bad. Of couse there are so many things that can depress us but there also so many things that can give us joy. (Talk to a dear friend, smile and laugh, watch the sunrise and the sunset, go for a walk, hike, volunteer, enjoy a good cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop, read a good book.) 
I always wonder. What can I do to help change the world? How can I change or address a situation? How can I do something about certain issues when I feel so little? Maybe you know the answer, maybe you don’t. But I’ve come to learn that we just have to start where we are and do what we can where we are. It might seem like it is not enough but it’s definitely better to do a little something than to do nothing.

When a disaster happens such as: 2016 Ecuador’s Earthquake, 2010 Haiti’s Earthquake, September 11 attacks, and others we realize we are family, no matter our race, culture, religion, beliefs, political views, gender identity, socioeconomic status. We are family and we care for each other. 
Yes, there are bad people but there are also those who say I want to do something about it and take action. Is better to focus on the good and try to stay positive than surround ourselves with negative thoughts and feel depressed. 
Hope is the antidote to depression and all those negative feelings we might be experiencing during quarantine. As part of my last post I shared with you 4 aspects that could give a more powerful meaning to the word HOPE, those were: happiness, optimism, peace and expectation. When we live in crazy times we could easily lose hope or stop believing anything good will happen but the truth is we will see the light at the end of the tunnel, we just have to trust God and not lose hope. 
I want to encourage you to stay positive as I try to stay positive as well. Please choose joy every single day. I know is hard, specially when things don't go your way and don't know what will happen. But, please choose joy. Find a friend or a confidant that you can talk to when you need it. Pray and read your bible, don’t forget about those who are suffering and be thankful for what you have and what you don’t have. 
I’m sending my love and prayers your way. We will get through this ♥


  •  Please pray for all the people who have lost their jobs and don’t have enough money to sustain their families.
  • Please pray for the sick. May the Lord bring healing, comfort and peace to their bodies.
  • Please pray for some of our families and students, this crisis has definitely hit us all but some people from the community really need your help ( send me a private message if you want to know how to help)
  • Please pray for my spirit and my spiritual growth. Pray for serenity and peace of mind I’m looking for a mentor who can guide me during this time of uncertainty.


  1. I don't know what else to add to your comments above, because you have said it all. We do want to help those who do not have anything to eat, in our own capacities. We realize that it is right to return to God many of the blessings that the good Lord has bestowed to us by helping others that are less fortunate. Please let us know how we can help....


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