Is it I Lord?

The past couple of months I’ve been thinking about my calling and if I am the right person to serve in the name of the Lord.

 I am not the perfect person, I make mistakes, I get mad, I am impatient sometimes and I could keep listing the things I am not good at but if I am sure of something is that I am really good at loving Jesus the best I can and showing His people love and respect.
I’m still learning how to love and I’m still learning how to listen God’s small voice. It is not easy because there are moments when I feel way too small to make a difference and I ask: is it I lord? is it I the one who is going to change something in this world? Is it I the one who is going to share your gospel and never give up? - HIS answer is always yes. He has been teaching me that it doesn’t matter where you come from, your language, your past, your mistakes, etc. but what matters is a heart willing to serve the people around you.

For some of you who don’t know I finished my 1st semester of nursing college successfully and I feel like taking the decision of studying nursing was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, love spending hours in the library and learning more of how I can help God’s people.

I think you would like to know that I was never late or skipped any of my classes as you can see in the picture that proves it where it says faltas๐Ÿ‘‰
(my classmates call me nerd, I don’t know why ๐Ÿ˜œ) 


I had the amazing opportunity to be the Lay Rector of Ecuador’s Happening # 8 (renewal weekend for youth) and it was such a wonderful experience, I got to see God working through the lives of the candidates, was able the work side by side with some of the people of my church and also other churches. I felt honor to lead the same youth event that helped me change my life. It’s one in a lifetime experience and I am sure that the people who were there are going to be changed and transform into a magnificent instrument of God’s love.

Barrington Christian Academy

During my spring break I was able to work with two teams from the states, my first one was a team of 5 from Rodhe Island. We worked at Dios es amor church (one of the ministries that Youth World works with) located in the southern area of Quito. We helped with some maintenance projects for the church in the mornings, we did tutoring classes for the kids who are part of the e=h program in the afternoon and we also went to a small community called Gualsaqui for a kid’s program.
It was a pleasure to work with this bilingual team, they were amazing in all the possible ways.

North Coast Church

My second team was a team of 47 from California. We went to the jungle, to a small town called Misahualli, it was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had. We served with an organization called jungle kids for Christ (passionate about empowering children in the jungle of Ecuador) because it was such a big team we had to break into small groups to make the work easier. We worked in a farm, school and did some outreach too.

It was so good to forget about our crazy lives for a little while and to see God in the eyes of the Kids we were working with. For some of us is easy to forget about what we have and instead we just complain about what we don’t have; having these opportunities of services makes you realize that you have been blessed and that the people you get to meet are not a coincidence in your life.

I am not the perfect person but yet HE has called me for his perfect mission and He is doing the same with you, He wants more from you, not only going to the church on Sundays or helping once in a while in the soup kitchen but He wants your heart willing to serve. My challenge for you is to stop complaining and doubting if you are the one who the Lord has called for His mission, remember that you and I have been placed in this world for a purpose.

Now I understand that I am not going to become this perfect person I always wanted to be because He is the only perfect one who came to this world to give us hope and forgiveness but I definitely can become that person He wants me to be and Yes, I am the one He has called by name so I won’t be afraid.


* Please pray for the people of Dios es amor church, Gualsaqui and Misahualli

* Please pray for the Barrington Christian Academy and North Coast Church team so that they can bear fruit and have a non ending experience

* Please pray for me, so I can find more sponsors and raise enough money to pay for my 3rd semester of nursing college

* Please pray for all the missionaries around the world who are working very hard for share the gospel 

If you want to contribute to my education you can click the link below and follow the easy steps to make a donation. 


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