He knows our paths

April and May brought so much happiness into the Cristo Community, we had  a lot of work to do with the kids, youth, elderly, women and now with the new men group during the Holy week.

 We also Celebrated the resurrection of our Saviour from the dead, and for this special occasion the kids and I prepared a choreography in honor to our God. the women group prepared a special meal that it's called Fanesca, which is a traditional Ecuadorian soup it is typically prepared and served only in the week before Easter, it contains 12 different kinds of beans in representation of the twelve disciples of Jesus, fish, eggs,fried plantains, fava beans, lupines lentils, peas, etc.
We shared this meal with the Cristo Community in Sunday and everybody was really happy that we had the chance to share a big meal as a real family.

One of my challenges is to teach the Kids about the prayer, some of the older ones understand that it's a communication between you and your  Holy Father and we need to be serious about it, but with the little ones it's not that easy, and sometimes I want everything to be perfect, just in the way I like it.. but God is teaching me day by day that I need to be patience and trust in His perfect timing.
 Easter was the day I saw the spirit of God moving in each one of the Kids, and let me tell you a little something, What an amazing feeling...!!!!♥ they all were praying together for their families, studies, church and for the needly.          

1.  One of my new projects it's to volunteer at Casa Adalia helping with the prayer group
* as some of you know Casa Adalia is a home for girls who have been rescued from being trafficked in the sex industry and who desire to pursue a new life in God.
2. I had the privilege to visit " For His Children " a month ago (FHC) is an evangelical Christian residential ministry to homeless children in Ecuador. 
In the first moment when I saw those little faces I knew that I have to do something else for them, Thanks to God I'll have the chance to volunteer there, helping with the kids, playing, cleaning, etc.

It's amazing how God can work through us, 3 years ago I had no future I had no balance, I was completely lost ; I used to  ask God: WHY ?  but now I'm Found, day by day I get to know better the powerful love of our Father, I get to understand why I went through so many bad times in my past, He brought me here.! 

If you are going through some problems: financial, family, relationship, friendships, studies, etc and if you are feeling like nobody takes care of you, Let me tell you that  your father who is always in your behalf is taking care of you and he wants the best for you.! so be strong and brave because you are already part of his Mission and everything is part of his perfect plan.
God is our perfect father and as the perfect father He wants the best for his beloved children, He is not going to let anything bad happen to us if it's not for a reason, He is calling us everyday to work for him and for those around us, sometimes we may not understand the problems in our lives and we could think the better solution is to walk away from God and start a new beginning  by ourselves, But what is really happening is that God is working in us, He is preparing us for his prefect plan, He knows our past, our present, our future and He also knows  WHY.!!

 He is calling you today to accept the plans He has for you, we have been selected for a reason, let's not let the devil destroy our lives and the plans that our perfect father has in store for us. 


* Please pray for the kids and community of Cristo liberador, for their mental and spiritual health

* Please Pray for the women from Casa Adalia so they can keep  pursuing God

*Please Pray for the 24 little kids from For His Children Quito and for the people who volunteer and     work there, pray that those beautiful kids can have a better future with a new family and they can       grow up healthy

* Please Pray for my foundrasing site for College and for my Mission trip to the States this summer,     pray for wisdom, patience, knowledge and also for the people I am going to be working with



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