One of the youth events in my Church Cristo Liberador it's called Happening, one of the most amazing youth events where they can have an opportunity to see God in some many different ways and be a part of this huge community, This past february we had our Happening #7 and my Church  sent 4 of their youth to this event where I also was part of the staff, my role there was as an observant director which means  I will be the new Director for the next Happening that is coming; there's a lot of emotions and thoughts about this new chapter in my life with more responsibility and challenges but as a daughter of the King I know I will be doing my best to make this event one of the most rewarding and inclusive ways to glorify our God; Just as one day I was a participant in this event and I have to say that it changed my life and gave me a new direction and a different way to look God in one another.

Participants and staff of Happening #7
 Angel ( past director of happening) giving me the materials I will be using for the nex year


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