He knows our paths

April and May brought so much happiness into the Cristo Community, we had a lot of work to do with the kids, youth, elderly, women and now with the new men group during the Holy week. We also Celebrated the resurrection of our Saviour from the dead, and for this special occasion the kids and I prepared a choreography in honor to our God. the women group prepared a special meal that it's called Fanesca, which is a traditional Ecuadorian soup it is typically prepared and served only in the week before Easter, it contains 12 different kinds of beans in representation of the twelve disciples of Jesus, fish, eggs,fried plantains, fava beans, lupines lentils, peas, etc. We shared this meal with the Cristo Community in Sunday and everybody was really happy that we had the chance to share a big meal as a real family. One of my challenges is to teach the Kids about the prayer, some of the older ones understand that it's a communication between you and your Ho...